Artwork and Albums

Wall Art

Fine art prints are offered framed or unframed, with a variety of framing options to match the style of your home. Unframed prints are mounted on thick styrene board.

Custom Albums

A signature album allows you to showcase as many of the images from your session as you like in all one place – not hidden on a computer. This is great way to display images in a lay flat book that will make a statement on any coffee table and the most popular product. There are a variety of colors and cover finishes on these custom albums. 

Canvas Gallery Collections

This is a perfect way to make a statement in your home of how much you adore your pet. Choose from a variety of canvas or wall groupings customized just for your wall.

Digital High Resolution Files

Digital high resolution images are fully edited, original sized jpg files. These files come with a personal printing license. 

NYC Dog Photography

Other Fun Displays

From acrylic blocks to wooden photo boxes, there are several other fun ways to display your unique pet photography!

Create your Own Collection

You know what’s even better than having no session fee?  How about having the opportunity to create a collection that consists of EXACTLY what you want…and nothing that you don’t?  Our pricing is as simple as 1…2…3…

Step 1:

Choose at least one Signature Wall Portrait. This can be any style, 16×20 or larger.

Step 2:

Choose at least two additional products…any products!

Step 3:

Save BIG – take 25% off of your TOTAL investment!

Let’s create gorgeous images together!

Creative Photography for the Dog Lover

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